Reason for the Title
It was post High School. I had made friends with a group from Shoreline High School in "North Seattle" (the school is now closed). Due to my lack of self-esteem, or whatever, I used to say to people I would meet:
"Hi, my name is Matt - like, wipe your feet on the Matt." (ha ha)
My good friend Carolyn (who I was secretly in love with at the time) got very iritated by this but, what the hey, it made people laugh. I accomplished my goal.
"Hi, my name is Matt - like, wipe your feet on the Matt." (ha ha)
My good friend Carolyn (who I was secretly in love with at the time) got very iritated by this but, what the hey, it made people laugh. I accomplished my goal.
Were you secretly in love with her like I've been secretly in love with Michael TCBFC and Tony the Cute Checkout Boy from Safeway and others???
Yes, and no. I held my feelings pretty close to the vest until my 18th birthday. See my story: "the first time I got drunk" on my website:
It's a hoot.
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