Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Seals and the Front Page

Finally. I can die by saying I've seen both films that have "Sammy The Seal" in them. If you haven't seen your Seal movie yet - by gosh - rent them now!

"Sammy The Seal" is a poorly made Public Domain film filmed, I think, in Denmark. No sense me looking it up - that would mean I care. It has a flimsy plot surrounded by scenes of seals and people swimming. The film is only 70 minutes long and there is, at least, 20 minutes of stock footage of seals basking on rocks, seals swimming, seals performing stupid tricks and people swimming. Still, with this film and "Sammy The Way-Out Seal" by the Disney company (could very well be a re-make) - I've seen all the Seal movies I need to see for a lifetime.

The second movie is "The Front Page" - based on a play and remade numerous times, it's a film about a core group of jailhouse reporters, hanging out waiting for a guy to hang. Writing stories, playing poker, lying to each other, making up stuff, etc. Think of a Mamet play - but with lots of comedy and no one using the "F" word.

The version I have is in terrible condition - but what amazed me about this film was the innovative style of photography it used. Filmed in 1931 and produced by Howard Hughes - the scenes mostly take place in one room. The director (whose name escapes me at the moment - look it up on IMDB) did a number of "circular shots" where the camera goes around and around the characters in the scene IN 1931!! Staying in focus and moving smoothly.

In a scene where all the reporters are laughing at one guy, the camera would focus on the laugher, move up and out of focus and then down to the next guy laughing and then back up and out of focus and back down repeatedly. Then they would go back to the circular camera again. Amazing stuff for 75 years ago!

And the film is good, too.


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