Thursday, June 29, 2006

Lizard Man!

Okay – I’ve called this site “Randomness” but mostly it’s “Movie-ness” – that’ll continue in a moment.

But first! My ax to grind.

Who gives a flying fig about Star Jones or Britney Spears or Bradgelina’s baby? I sure as hell don’t and I don’t know anyone within my small circle of friends who don’t care.

I’ll tell you what I DO care about: That’s the state of this world. The poor. The homeless. Our nation’s status in this world. The 50,000 Iraqis who are dead by our bombs. The imbecile in the White House. And the boys (and girls) coming home in body bags.

But what takes up valuable TV time? Britney is nude! Britney is going to be interviewed by Matt Lauer! Barbara Walters v. Star Jones. Nicole Kidman’s honeymoon. PUL-LEEZE!

Now, I know that we can’t have SUPERDEPRESSINGNEWS24-7 or people won’t watch TV and buy Happy Meals and Ford Cars and Erectile Dysfunction Medication. I’m NOT STUPID (okay, maybe I am). But can we PLEASE, PLEASE relegate these NON NEWS EVENTS to the last 2 minutes of the news or give them over to the shows that PURPOSELY talk about this crap? Like “Entertainment Tonight” and “Talk Soup,” etc.?

Is that too much to ask? Probably is.

Okay, back to the movies.

I finished “Metamorphosis” and it was REALLY BAD. Guy takes serum and I thought he would, LOGICALLY, metamoph into a monkey or beast or werewolf or some such normal crap. But instead, he grows old, older and then turns into a large plastic lizard dinosaur thing. At the end we’re to believe he actually then shrunk down to the size of a chameleon or something.

I’m half-way through “Capote” and it’s pretty good. More on that later.


Blogger Jenerator said...

I love knowing about Star and Britney and Tom and Katie and Nicole and Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice!!!!! But that's just me....

6:13 PM  
Blogger Jenerator said...

I love knowing about Star and Britney and Tom and Katie and Nicole and Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice!!!!! But that's just me....

6:14 PM  

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