Friday, July 07, 2006

Three More Movies...

So I finished "Haunts" and it all turns out to "be in her mind." Which is a real "cop-out" if you ask me. Someone actually DID get killed with evil scissors and, well, THEN she went psycho and ended up killing herself after saying that her uncle was burying bodies and the local thug had had his way with her (though it was "confirmed" that she's a virgin - how?). But, of course, the creepy uncle shows up well - then it got weird and confusing.

I followed this with a 1962 B & W film entitled: "Werewolf in the Girl's Dormitory" - which was surprisingly stupid - but with some good atmospherics. At LEAST they showed the transformation OUT of becoming a werewolf. So many times in these cheapy-ass films you get the guy going into the closet and then coming out as a werewolf. Though I had hoped for some really hot girl's dormitory nudity and sex, none was forthcoming. But the death count rose quickly and the dubbing wasn't too bad. One of the best lines:

"He can't be a werewolf. He has a dog. Dogs hate wolves."

After that I started the film "The Driller Killer" which sounds pretty damn evil and bloody but after the first 20 minutes it's dang boring. Not a nary bit of blood and just a couple shots of drills being used - for like hanging things and home improvement. The main character (a hippie slacker artist) is really missunderstood. And there was some creepy guy in a church who knew his name and phone number (looked it up in the phone book?) and called him - or something. Various artisitc shots of homeless men sitting ont he street. Oooh.

About the best thing I can say about the film is that the main character has a BEAUTIFUL girlfriend who is HOT HOT HOT. We'll see what happens over the next 70 minutes.


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